Who is eligible?
- Members of the Army National Guard and the U.S. Army Reserve on continuous active duty for more than 30 days and their dependents. (This applies to soldiers on AD for training (ADT) and serving under various sections of title 10, United States Code).
- Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity or physical disability, or retired upon reaching age 60 (Reserve Components) and their dependents.
- Widows (ers) and orphans of soldiers who died while on active duty or after they retired.
What type of assistance is available?
Help with emergency financial needs for:
- Rent/Mortgage
- Vehicle repair
- Emergency travel
- Utilities/Deposits
- Funeral expenses
- Food
- Non-receipt of pay
- Relocation travel
- Dependant dental
- Medical expenses
- Repair/Replacement of HVAC
- Repair/Replacement of major appliances
- Replacement vehicle
- Loss of funds
- Cranial helmets
- Essential furniture
- Car seats
- Rental vehicle
AER does not provide funds:
- For nonessentials
- To finance ordinary leave or vacation
- To pay fines or legal expenses
- To liquidate or consolidate debt
- For purchase of home or home improvements
- To cover bad checks or pay credit card bills
What should I bring with me to request assistance?
You should bring the following:
- Military ID Card
- Leave and Earnings Statement
- Leave/PCS orders
- Substantiating documents such as car repair estimate, rental agreement, utility bill.
Can my spouse obtain AER assistance if I am deployed or TDY?
Yes. Your spouse should bring the following to the AER Section:
- Power of Attorney
- Military ID Card
- Substantiating documents such as car repair estimate
Is there a dollar limit on AER assistance?
No. AER will respond to your specific need.
Do I have to contribute to AER to get help?
No. If you are eligible for AER assistance and have a valid emergency need, AER will assist you.
How long does it take to get AER help?
Depending on the need, 24 hours to several days.
Does AER get its money from the government?
NO. AER does not receive any appropriated or non appropriated government money. It is a private non-profit 501-(c)3 charitable organization.
From where does AER get its funds?
Support for AER assistance program comes from the following sources:
- Contributions from soldiers (active and retired) and civilians.
- Repayment of AER interest-free loans
- Investment income
Unsolicited contributions: AER is supported by voluntary contributions from soldiers (active and retired) solicited during the Army’s annual fund campaign for AER. Contributions are also accepted at any time from Army or civilian individuals or organizations. Contributions may also be made in the form of memorials honoring deceased soldiers or family members, as bequests from individuals or estates or as special donations.
Repayments: The largest inflow of operating cash is from loan repayments.
Investments: AER investment program generate operational income from interest and dividends.
How do I find AER when I need help?
Located in Building 111 Room 103-104, langford Lakes, Fort Irwin, CA 92310
- Balance Inquiries
You may now check your balance online. Please note that the link below will take you to our “Online Loan Payment” page. You must register your account using your client ID in order to view your balance. Please contact Fort Irwin AER for your client ID. You are not required to make a payment but may simply check your balance and log out.
- Scholarships
Scholarship applications are accepted from January 1 to May 1 each year for assistance for the following academic year.
Scholarship award amounts are not guaranteed and vary each year based on the total number of applicants in each program and budget amount allotted to the scholarship programs.
Choose the appropriate program under the Scholarships Tab for further details and instructions.
- AER Loan Assistance Packet

Provides interest-free loans or grants during times of emergency. Examples are loans for eviction, vehicle repossession, emergency travel, funeral expenses, repair of soldier’s only essential vehicle, etc. Soldier or family members must visit with their Command Financial NCO prior to coming to ACS, with exception to a Red Cross message.
Download the Army Emergency Relief app for your Android device here!